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file icon The Next Generation Project & Portfolio Managers (Dutch)hot! 06/22/2009
Deze presentatie is 16 juni gegeven voor NGI regio Limburg en is de laatste van een serie lezingen voor NGI’s in heel Nederland.Deze presentatie gaat in op de vanzelfsprekendeheid dat de projectleider een centrale rol speelt bij het behalen van projectresultaten, maar dat het aanvaarden van de eigen verantwoordelijkheid bij de negatieve resultaten in de meeste gevallen minder vanzelfsprekend is. En dat erkennen dat voor significante verbeteringen fundamentele rolwijzigingen nodig zijn al helemaal niet vanzelfsprekend is. Tijdens de presentatie wordt ingegaan op de volgende onderwerpen: Trends in projectresultaten, onderliggende oorzaken, invulling van de  rol van de "nieuwe projectleider", sturingsprincipes projectleiding, sturingsprincipes project governance, project design en moderne practices voor projectsturing.
file icon RUP Business Modeling Case Studyhot! 05/19/2009
This is part of a presentation given at the Rational User Group of South Africa in March 2003. The case study provides insight into how the Rational Unified Process® was applied to a business modeling project. A number of complex and interrelated challenges facing the organization in question were overcome by modeling the enteprise from a holistic approach.
file icon The Seven Habits of Effective Iterative Development hot! 05/19/2009
This presentation was given at the Rational User Group of South Africa in March 2003 and presents a framework for managing iterative software development projects. The presentation is based on the Rational Edge article of the same name. In the article and this presentation, Stephen Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People are mapped to project management best practices.
file icon Recent Changes to the RUP Business Modeling Disciplinehot! 05/19/2009
The IBM Rational Unified Process® is continuously updated to reflect the field experiences of business modeling practitioners and the changing software development industry. IBM Rational and Empulsys signed an agreement in 2002 to jointly develop the RUP 2003 business modeling content. This session was presented at the Rational User Conference in August 2003 and offers an overview of these changes.
file icon How RUP Supports Project Portfolio Managementhot! 05/19/2009
This presentation was given at the Rational User Conference in July 2004. The RUP is a single-project development process. Organizations executing multiple projects in parallel are faced with issues not currently addressed by the RUP. The presentation shows how a European investment firm applied the RUP principles at the enterprise level to successfully complete a project portfolio.
file icon Iterative Software Project Managementhot! 05/19/2009
This presentation was given at a Software Engineering Colloquim at Philips Medical in November 2006. Organizations all over the world apply the RUP, but in many occasions unsuccesfull. The focus of management is still on producing documents, rather than tangible software. This presentation proposes iterative software development concepts and techniques from the viewpoint of (software) project management with the goal to provide insights on iterative software development process and project planning and tracking.
file icon The Next Generation Project & Portfolio Managers (Dutch)hot! 05/19/2009
Deze presentatie is gegeven tijdens een sessie  van het NGI (regio Utrecht).  Deze presentatie gaat in op de vanzelfsprekendeheid dat de projectleider een centrale rol speelt bij het behalen van projectresultaten, maar dat het aanvaarden van de eigen verantwoordelijkheid bij de negatieve resultaten in de meeste gevallen minder vanzelfsprekend is. En dat erkennen dat voor significante verbeteringen fundamentele rolwijzigingen nodig zijn al helemaal niet vanzelfsprekend is. Tijdens de presentatie wordt ingegaan op de volgende onderwerpen: Trends in projectresultaten, onderliggende oorzaken, invulling van de  rol van de "nieuwe projectleider", sturingsprincipes projectleiding, sturingsprincipes project governance, project design en moderne practices voor projectsturing.


The online article "From Business to IT System" is now available in english.


Empulsys is an IBM Business Partner that provides IBM product resale, services and trainings for the Rational brand in the Benelux.